NEW Edge Sculpture Angel
We've all seen the social media pictures but she's now made her maiden public appearance at Maison & Objet in Paris - the stunning new Angel by Matt Buckley.
She's a medium size sculpture (sorry we don't know the size yet, hopefully we'll remember our tape measure next weekend) but this photo gives you an idea of scale:
Matt wanted to capture an essence of life with the piece yet at the same time maintain a stone-like presence as you can see from his prototype photo:
However when he got back from Maison & Objet he talked to head paintress Peggy about a different colour perspective. She's has done a fantastic job and Matt feels that the piece now has a bold freshness - very contemporary with an 80's retro twist. He'll be taking her to the Spring Fair at the NEC next weekend, we can't wait to see her.
As always, we'll keep you up to date with pictures and prices as we find out more - we'll make her available to order just as soon as we've got the details for you.
Hope you've enjoyed the update ...
Best wishes Julie and Chris