Edge Sculpture for Christmas
Time to give you all a quick update on buying your Edge sculptures for Christmas
The Edge Sculpture Team recently announced price increases to their full range (except the Autumn newbies) with immediate effect - we've managed to keep most of our prices at the previous level until now but, starting next week, we'll need to put them up
As a Christmas thank you from us we've decided to keep the Edge 'Born to be Wild' prices at their existing level until the middle of December so you'll have a bit longer to buy your Edge babies
You may also have noticed that an increasing number of sculptures have been showing as UNAVAILABLE - these are pieces that are no longer available to order from Edge and will be reviewed in the New Year
Currently unavailable are:
- Cleopatra
- Cobra Desert
- Cyberman
- Elf
- Green Man
- Hare Star Gazer
- Horse Figures
- Horse Busts
- Polar Bear
- Spartan
- Squirrel
- Tutankhamun
- Venetian Carnival Mask Antique White
We've got stock (or stock due in) of the following pieces but once they're sold they too will become unavailable:
Hope this gives you a bit of a heads up about buying your Edge Christmas pressies - in a nutshell, buy early to avoid missing out!!!
As always, please don't hesitate to get in touch if you've got any questions
Take care, stay safe and enjoy your Christmas planning ...
Best wishes Julie and Chris